Mitten Tree
Help us decorate the Christmas tree with your new and slightly used (and freshly cleaned!) mittens, hats, and scarves to be shared with clients at The Open Door Food Panty. Our goal is to collect 500 knit items (hats, gloves, mittens, and scarves) by Christmas Eve to beat our collection last year.

Back to School Supply Drive to support Rahn Elementary Students
Support Rahn Elementary students this August through the Back to School Supplies Drive! Drop off your donations at: Mount Calvary Lutheran Church (3930 Rahn Road, Eagan MN 55122) Sundays 8:30am - 11am, Mondays 10am - 2pm, or Thursdays 10am - 2pm. Everything will be given to Rahn students who need supplies.
Thank you!!
Thank You!! Because of your food donations we were able to assemble 214 snack bags last Sunday to feed students this summer through The Open Door's Mobile Lunchbox program. You all showed up and provided. Thank you so much for your donations, heart for this program, and help assembling!

*Donate & Pack* Snack Bags for The Open Door
We will be collecting donations for The Open Door’s Mobile Lunchbox until July 9. On July 9, stay after worship to help pack snack bags!