Become an usher at Mount Calvary
If you would like to volunteer to usher, please sign up for your available worship times using the links below. If you are scheduled and can’t make it to the service, please contact someone to sub for you or switch Sundays with you. Once found, please let Katie ( know of the switch.
Mount Calvary Usher Responsibilities
Ushers are the “hosts” for worship and are to look after the needs of all present.
Before the Service:
1. Be at church 15 minutes before service start time.
2. Locate the usher’s cabinet, located in the narthex near the closet doors. This is where you will find items such as the bulletins, usher badges, matches, attendance count sheets, pencils and pew envelopes. Collection baskets are in the closet.
3. Please do not distribute bulletins as worshippers arrive. We’re attempting to cut down on paper and printing costs and want to see the true demand for these.
4. Make sure the two candles are lit in the front of the church.
5. If there is a baptism at this service, please be sure that the baptismal candle is lit.
6. Please follow the masking and physical guidelines to the best of your ability and help others find masks when they need. Use your discretion on this! We get it can be uncomfortable.
Extend a greeting to all and direct them to open seating
7. You will need to walk into the sanctuary and observe where seats are still open to be able to direct people to seating as the sanctuary fills.
During the Service:
8. Close sanctuary doors immediately upon the start of the service.
9. Allow late-comers to enter at the start of the opening hymn
10. Count attendance – count all present, including children in the other rooms and choir members. Write the number present on the count sheet.
11. Offering: Pass collection baskets when the offering music begins, starting at the front of the church. When finished, bring offering to the welcome desk attendant. One usher will bring forward a basket (can be empty) to the Pastor to be blessed and put on the altar as soon as collection is done.
12. Communion: Direct the congregation to communion stations, beginning at the front of the church. You may take communion yourself following last participant. Please make note of anyone unable to walk to the front, and offer a packaged communion cup to them.
After the Service:
13. Black Welcome Books - tear out the used sheets, paperclip them together, and place on the welcome desk.
14. Check each pew – remove anything left behind, straighten items in pew racks, return black welcome books to inside end of each pew, replace pencils, offering envelopes, etc. as needed.